
August 26, 2018
Milk goes sour when it stays too hot for too long. People do the same thing. When we hold on to our grudges and gripes (legitimate or not) for too long it makes us bitter. And bitterness is a highly contagious virus that quickly invades every corner of our heart. God desires something so much […]
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August 19, 2018
Bad things happen. Hurts come. Losses occur. They are real, they are painful, and they cannot be avoided. The question is not how do we avoid sorrow in this life, but how do we navigate it and come out the other side? Often we get bogged down in the middle of it and can’t find […]
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August 12, 2018
Despite spending more time and money on leisure and entertainment than ever before, many of us find ourselves overwhelmed with weariness. Feeling tired at the end of a productive day of work is one thing. Dragging along in a constant state of exhaustion will suck the life right out of you. God desires something so […]
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August 5, 2018
We’ve all done things we should regret. Much like fear, guilt is a built in warning siren attempting to draw our attention to the fact that we’re off course and headed for danger. However, guilt was never intended to be a long term stat of existence. Shame is not something you should have to carry […]
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July 29, 2018
It burns. It seethes. It rages. It erupts. Anger is more than a bad habit or just getting a little carried away sometimes. Anger is a poison in your soul that will become terminally toxic if it is not purged. God desires something so much better for us: Compassion
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July 22, 2018
You want it. You need it. You’ve got to have it. The object of our desire takes on 1001 different forms. The destructive impact it can have on our lives, if left unchecked, is always the same – and it’s not good. God desires something so much better for us: Contentment
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July 15, 2018
A healthy sense of fear can warn us of danger and keep us safe, but many people like in a perpetual state of worry, constantly stressed by thoughts of “What if ….” The resulting anxiety, if left unchecked, can leave us virtually paralyzed in life. God desires something so much better for us: Peace
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July 1, 2018
Perhaps the most seductive message our culture constantly tries to sell us is that “It’s all able ME”. And although taking good care of myself is important, when what I want becomes more important than anything else, serious problems quickly arise. God desires something so much better for us: Usness
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June 24, 2018
Everyone gets a case of the blahs every now and then, but when we suffer from chronic apathy, especially in our spiritual life, it doesn’t take long before things start to crumble. God desires something so much better for us: Engagement
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